Tummy Tuck — Abdominoplasty Dayton Excess Skin
Aging combined with pregnancy, genetics and other factors can all lead to a depletion of skin elasticity. Over time, this can result in sagging skin around the abdomen. If you are struggling with the excess skin sagging around your stomach, then you may be a good candidate for a tummy tuck procedure. The tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that tightens the skin and muscles of the abdomen.
A tummy tuck is more formally known as an abdominoplasty and is intended to produce a flatter, tighter, more desirable abdomen. The tummy tuck varies from patient to patient, depending on the amount of excess skin and their body type. It also depends on whether the surgery is a full or mini version of the procedure.
To learn more about the specific details of the tummy tuck procedure, contact the Plastic Surgery Institute of Dayton to set up a consultation with one of our highly skilled plastic surgeons.