Thigh Lift – Thigh Contouring
Conveniently located to serve Dayton, Columbus, Cincinnati and Gallia County
Thigh lift procedures are used to shape and sculpt the inner and outer thighs. As we age, the skin of the upper leg sags and loses tone. These areas may also be plagued by the accumulation of excess fat. Unfortunately, in women, these areas do not often respond to diet and exercise. Liposuction will address the excess fat; but will do little to improve the saggy excess skin. The expert surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of Dayton are regarded as top providers of thigh lifts in Cincinnati.
Who Is the Right Candidate for Thigh Lift Surgery?
Thigh lift surgery is often considered by patients who have lost significant weight and have now stabilized at or near a healthy weight for their stature. Although excess fat is removed during a thigh lift, it is not a procedure for weight loss. If a weight loss of more than ten pounds occurs after surgery, it may affect the long-term results.
For some patients, undergoing thigh lift surgery is medically beneficial. Extreme amounts of loose and sagging skin can cause numerous skin conditions, such as dermatitis, cellulitis, and skin ulcerations. By removing excess loose skin tissue and eliminating problematic skin conditions, patients can more freely enjoy participating in exercise and everyday life.
How Is a Thigh Lift Performed?
Thigh lifting combines the surgical excision of excess skin and fat with liposuction to create a more youthful and aesthetic appearance.
Depending on the patient’s need, medial thigh lift procedures may be crescent shaped; confined to the groin area; or longitudinal, stretching from the groin to above the knee along the medial leg. In all cases, attempts to limit scarring are made.
Thigh lift is typically an outpatient procedure and is performed at our AAAASF certified facility under general anesthesia administered by a board certified anesthesiologist.
What to Expect After Thigh Lift Surgery
Patients must arrange for transportation home after surgery and should have assistance available for the first day or two. Patients recovering from thigh lift surgery can expect downtime for approximately two weeks. Patients are not recommended to drive during the first ten days.
A compression wrapping will be in place immediately after surgery; this will help reduce swelling and promote contouring. During the first few weeks, it may be necessary to have drainage tubes to alleviate the fluid buildup that is part of the body’s normal healing process. When the amount of fluid being drained is 25ml or less in 24 hours for two consecutive days is generally when tubes will be removed.
Bruising, swelling, and some discomfort are to be expected. Post-surgical pain tolerance is different among patients, but in most cases, the necessity of prescription pain medication does not exceed the first few days. After the first couple of weeks, patients can gradually return to more physical activity.