Neck Lift — Surgical Dayton Weight Loss Aging
The neck lift procedure is a surgical technique designed to smooth and tighten skin to recapture a youthful look around the neck and jawline. This surgery is often implemented to improve issues associated with aging or weight loss.
Although sizable weight loss is usually a positive life change, it can also leave behind sagging or drooping skin in areas of the body, including the neck. Sagging around the neck is the worst, because it tends to be the one of the most visible and difficult places to cover up.
In addition to weight loss, the aging process can also leave the neck in need of some TLC. It’s not uncommon for a person’s true age to be revealed by looking at their neck. A tightening procedure like the neck lift is a great way to complement an already young-looking face.
To learn more about the neck lift procedure, contact the highly skilled surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of Dayton, located in Centerville, Ohio.