Breast implant surgery involves the use of breast implants, silicone shells that are filled with either silicone gel or a salt-water solution known as saline. In 2014, a vast majority of the 290,000 breast implant procedures performed in the United States were silicone-based.

Silicone has been the dominant choice for breast implant surgery over the last seven years. One of the main reasons for this is the consistency of the gel. Silicone gel is great at mimicking natural breast tissue. This is especially important for women who opt to insert the breast implant over the pectoral muscle.

Unlike saline, silicone insertions are less likely to cause a wrinkling effect on the side of the breast, which is an obvious giveaway of having implants.

To learn more about silicone prosthetics used in breast implant surgery, contact the highly trained staff at the Plastic Surgery Institute of Dayton.